What’s my story? This all came about after the passing away of my grandmother to breast cancer in the fall of 2016. As I watched so many from different personalities and walks of life gathered, it amazed me how she was the one common ground that held all of us together.

Today, so many words come to mind when I think of mamaw; Godly , sweet, mother, friend, loyal, giving, and so on. If I had to pick one word to describe her I would have to say Love.
Mamaw was one of those people that you knew loved you no matter what! You could feel her love in her hugs, when she laughed, thru her tears. You could sense it in just her smile.
One of the greatest ways she showed her love was thru her cooking! If she knew you were coming then she wanted to know what you wanted to eat! She wasn’t some fancy cook living in a big fancy home but a simple country cook that just liked to love!

Today, as a wife and a mother of my own, I can never fill such large shoes as her! Something that I can share today is Her Story while making My Own Story!
“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” Theodore Roosevelt
Some Random Facts about Me and My Story…
- I Have a tendency of being a little OCD … My Kids are helping to break that some… 🤣
- I love a good Cup of Coffee! Note; I can not drink caffeine after dinner time unless my husband doesn’t mind hearing me talk all night long…
- I am Pentecostal!(I’m not here to debate religion) This isn’t the place!😉
- My husband was the only Man I Spoke “I Love you” to. He is my one and ONLY! ❤

- I hate seeing phones at a dinner table… I know we live in such a busy world today but my Rule is “Dinner time is Family time!”
- Sometimes I make Hot dogs or Ramen Noodles or even a Frozen Pizza! (Don’t Judge…I’m a busy Mom) 😊
- I Love Road Trips!!!
- Sometimes my recipes just don’t turn out… and are just plain yuck! lol
- I’m not a great writer and if you have been following me very long… you already knew that! 😉